Chip 2000 October
Mike's Cards
Mike's Cards.rsrc
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97 lines
gxExtensionVersionErr - Extension too new for current version of QuickDraw GX
gxDuplicatePanelNameErr - Attempt to add more than 10 panels with the same name
gxNotEnoughPrinterMemory - Printer does not have enough memory for fonts in document
gxNoSuchPTGroup - Requested papertype group could not be found
gxPaperTypeNotFound - Requested papertype could not be found
gxFlattenVersionTooNew - Flattened object format too new for current version of QDGX
gxImagingSystemVersionErr - Imaging system too new for current version of QuickDraw GX
gxDriverVersionErr - Driver too new for current version of QuickDraw GX
gxExtensionNotFoundErr - Requested printing extension could not be found
gxSegmentLoadFailedErr - Segment loader error
gxInvalidPrintFileVersion - Print file is incompatible with current QuickDraw GX version
gxCrashedPrintFileErr - Print file is corrupted
gxIncompletePrintFileErr - Print file was not completely spooled
gxInvalidPenTable - Invalid vector driver pen table.
gxGBBufferTooSmallErr - Buffer too small.
gxUnknownAlertVersionErr - Bad version for printing alerts
gxTitlesTooLongErr - Length of buttons exceeds alert maximum width
gxNoActionButtonErr - Action button is nil
gxXdtlItemOutOfRangeErr - Referenced item does not belong to panel
gxBadxdtlKeyErr - Unknown key for xdtl - must be radiobutton, etc
gxCantAddPanelsNowErr - Can only add panels during driver switch or dialog setup
gxPrUserAbortErr - User aborted
gxPrIOAbortErr - I/O operation aborted
gxAioOutOfSeq - Non-atomic SCSI requests submitted out of sequence
gxAioCantFindDevice - Cannot locate target device
gxAioBadMsgType - Bad masType field in transfer info structure
gxBadPrinterName - Bad printer name specified
gxBadDataBits - Invalid data bits specified
gxBadStopBits - Invalid stop bits specified
gxBadParity - Invalid parity specified
gxBadBaudRate - Invalid baud rate specified
gxAioRqstKilled - I/O request was terminated
gxAioNoProtocolData - No protocol specific data specified in request
gxAioOpenPending - Opening a connection for protocol, but another open pending
gxAioNotImplemented - Function not implemented
gxAioDeviceDisconn - Machine disconnected from printer
gxAioCantFind - Protocol spec. data does not exist
gxAioAlreadyExists - Protocol spec. data already specified
gxAioCantKill - Comm. protocol doesn't support I/O term
gxAioBadRqstID - Invalid I/O request identifier
gxAioNoAutoStat - Connection not configured for auto status
gxAioTooManyAutos - Auto status request already active
gxAioNoDataXfer - Data transfer structure pointer not specified
gxAioNoRqstBlks - No available request blocks to process request
gxAioInvalidXfer - Read data transfer structure contained bad values
gxAioBadConn - Invalid Async I/O connection refnum
gxAioBadRqstState - Async I/O request in invalid state for operation
gxAioTimeout - Timeout condition occurred during operation